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What's an Online Form?

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What's an Online Form?

In the previous section, we learned that while websites can be unique, most websites share one or more common website parts that are used to navigate and find information on the website. Besides navigating websites to find information, websites can also take information from you. An online form allows you to enter information to a website.

In the Search Engine module, we entered what we wanted to find on the web using a search box or text box. Based on what we entered in the search box, we received search results matching the text we entered into the search box. The search box or text box is just one of many ways websites collect information from you and take action based on the information you entered. These actions can be anything from searching for information on the web, paying a bill online, buying a birthday gift for a friend, sending an email, signing up for health care insurance, and applying for jobs.

Picture 1. You can use forms for all kinds of things such as buying a birthday gift for a friend on popular online retailer Amazon.com

You can use forms for all kinds of things such as buying a birthday gift for a friend on popular online retailer Amazon.com

In this module, we show how to use online forms first. Then, we will apply our forms knowledge to a real world example in the learning check - applying for a job online.

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